The second week of the Amazing 12 at Core Results in Chichester whizzed by. That’s always a promising sign. Nothing felt laboured.
Sue hit me with a staggering statement midweek: “Not kidding, Claudius, but two weeks on the Amazing 12 has got me into the same shape I was in after a year doing CrossFit,” she said. Sue showed me the photographic evidence. It doesn’t lie.
Despite knowing what the Amazing 12 can do, I was still a bit taken aback by that statement. But I could see it before my very eyes. However, with the Amazing 12 being more than just about physique development, I know there is still some way to go before Sue regains the strength she had before her shoulder injury. She’s definitely on track and squats and performs the deadlift as well as I have ever seen her. In fact, given she’s coming back from surgery and the shoulder was what she was most concerned with, Sue said that part of her body feels really strong. All being well, it will stay that way.
Having also worked previously with Ross, I can see him returning to his former self. As I keep track of his performance, I’m continually reminding him of how much stronger and fitter he is becoming in such a short time. He is feeling it, too. Ross is now able to perform more comfortably and with better form tasks he clearly struggled with in the first week. There’s a bounce in his step. I can see his body changing which, when you work with people every day, isn’t always so easy to notice.
“Isn’t it amazing how in just 10 days you can feel so different,” Ross told me. “I’m so much stronger in a short period of time.
“It’s been a really good week,” he added. “Thoroughly enjoyed it. Small gains across all areas, so I’m happy with my progress. There is more to come from me. I’m releasing a lot of internal energy. My form is improving. I’m going in the right direction.”
As for Kari, I’m really impressed by how well she is learning the movements in the program and how her technique has become more refined. She openly admitted when we started that her core was a weak link. But now, in a short time, I can notice how much stronger she holds herself from head to toe. We work on skills and techniques EVERY session. And when I test out her endurance levels, it’s so noticeable how her rate of recovery and level of effort has improved.
Looking forward to week 3, but I’m enjoying it so much that it’s going too quickly for me.
Turn up, do the work, eat as advised, trust I know what I am doing and let the Amazing 12 do its thing.