
Learn what kind of impact the Amazing 12 Body Transformation Business has had on the bodies, lives and incomes of the strength coaches, fitness professionals, business owners and clients that have been involved with the program/company for the past 15 years in over 180 locations around the world.

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A12 Coach Interview – Harinder Singh

Sifu Singh is a 23rd generation Kung Fu Master, carrying on a 2000-year lineage passed down from teacher to student. He has spent two decades honing his craft.  He is a master instructor in: Jeet Kune Do Filipino Kali Tai-Chi Wing-Chun Karate Edged Weapons Blunt Weapons Close Quarter Combat Tactics Law Enforcement Force Continuum Programs. […]

A12 Coach Interview – Dave Whitley

In this weeks interview Dwayne speaks with former RKC/StrongFirst Master Instructor, author, professional strongman, professional wrestler, motivational speaker and A12 certification Coach David Whitley! You’ll hear Dave discuss: * What it’s like to be a Dad! * How he first met Paul and how their friendship and professional relationship grew. * What the FIRST A12 […]

Amazing 12 Client Interview – Connor Schelling

Check out our latest interview with A12 Graduate Connor Schelling. Connor is an Actor who has landed small roles in some big budget Hollywood Movies, T.V. series and various Commercials etc. He has also been a successful model and is a former pro tennis player. Connor is a qualified personal trainer himself and is StrongFirst […]

Amazing 12 Coach Interview: Amanda Hudson (From 0 to $500,000 in 4 Years)!!

Before becoming A12 certified, Amanda Hudson was already a highly qualified personal trainer who was StrongFirst Certified under Pavel Tsatsouline, had great knowledge and a whole lot to offer perspective fitness clients. But knowledge doesn’t equal success, especially in the fitness industry unfortunately! You can go ahead and continually improve your knowledge base as much […]

Why Certify to Become an Amazing 12 Coach?

Watch and learn why certifying with The Amazing 12 may just be the single best decision you could make for your career in the fitness industry.

Coaches Talk about how Amazing 12 Transformed their Business!

Hear from the horse’s mouth how easily repeatable the A12 results really are once you’ve been certified, and how that translates into HUGE payback for your business!

The Astronomical Income of an Amazing 12 Coach!

“Once you’re signed up to the certification you’re signed up to an absolute GOLDMINE, so don’t hesitate to market it and start selling it, because it does sell itself, and there’s a lot of money to be made…a LOT of money! – Ben Mattingly”

Amazing 12 Transformation – Keith Nolan

Keith lost his wife and child leaving him alone to raise two children. He began drinking and smoking excessively while his body and mind hit an all-time low. For the sake of his daughters and himself he found the courage and determination to do what needed to be done. Prepare to have your jaw hit […]

What Strength Coaches are Saying about the Amazing 12 Certification

Listen to what dozens of genuinely world class strength coaches are saying about the quality of the Amazing 12 program, and the INCREDIBLE performance gains that it delivers, first time, every time!

Nicci ‘Tankerbell’ Lyons Amazing Strength Feats

What most people who’ve never done the Amazing 12 program don’t realise is that the pure strength and overall performance gains actualised by the A12 program rivals the magnitude of the aesthetic results. Don’t believe us…watch THIS, you’ll be shocked and amazed!!