Amazing 12 Transformation – Aaron Morgan

Learn how one time A12 sceptic Aaron becomes a 100% believer in less than 12 weeks! .td-post-template-9 .td-post-featured-video { margin-bottom: 0; } .td-post-featured-image {...

Amazing 12 Transformation – Neil Fagan

Neil had been in a near fatal car accident, and at one point was actually pronounced clinically dead before finally being revived. His recovery...

Amazing 12 Transformation – Michael Conlan

Elite level Gaelic football player and personal trainer Michael takes his physique, his performance on the field, and his knowledge to new heights in...

Amazing 12 Transformations – Ladies Photoshoot!

Far from ‘looking like a man’ see how female A12 Graduates gain massively in physical strength and confidence, and feel that they look MORE...

Amazing 12 Transformations – Tristan & Stephen

Tristan and Stephen achieved incredible results with the A12. You'll also see how the lessons learned during those 12 short weeks (5 weeks in...

Amazing 12 Transformation – Tom Mulgrew

Already a highly accomplished personal trainer in the fitness industry, Tom came to the Amazing 12 program as a client, and left with WAY...

Amazing 12 Transformation – Ms N.Ireland Tiffany Brien

A former Olympic hopeful and Miss World competitor, Tiffany reached the greatest form of her life (both aesthetically AND functionally) in just SIX weeks...

Amazing 12 Transformation – Susan Barry

Once nearly 200lbs bodyweight, Susan had already done great before coming to us at The Amazing 12. But she found that she had...

Amazing 12 Transformation – Dolores McGuckin

Competitive Strongwoman Dolores McGuckin loses 30lbs in 12 weeks and 50lbs in total, all the while turning her already very impressive Deadlift 1RM into...

Amazing 12 Transformation – Colin Lindsay

At 40 yrs old, and not yet willing to give up his body to the ‘middle aged spread’, Colin took matters into his own...