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Why Certify to Become an Amazing 12 Coach?

Watch and learn why certifying with The Amazing 12 may just be the single best decision you could make for your career in the...

Coaches Talk about how Amazing 12 Transformed their Business!

Hear from the horse’s mouth how easily repeatable the A12 results really are once you’ve been certified, and how that translates into HUGE payback...

The Astronomical Income of an Amazing 12 Coach!

“Once you’re signed up to the certification you’re signed up to an absolute GOLDMINE, so don’t hesitate to market it and start selling it,...

What Strength Coaches are Saying about the Amazing 12 Certification

Listen to what dozens of genuinely world class strength coaches are saying about the quality of the Amazing 12 program, and the INCREDIBLE performance...

The Incredible Journey of an Amazing 12 Coach!

Follow an A12 coach on their journey pre-certification, to becoming certified, to running the A12 product in their own gym for the first time....

Amazing 12 Coach Results – From Mediocre to World Class Overnight!

Learn how one coach in a small town completely reinvents himself, and his business, becoming truly financially successful for the first time ever in...

What Amazing 12 Coaches Think of the Certification

Learn how several US based fitness professionals say that their A12 certification was a mind blowing, top level, world class experience that blows every...

INSANE First Time Success for New Amazing 12 Coach!

See how Jason from Dublin effortlessly replicates the A12’s world class results first time out with all of his new clients, and hear first...

Amazing 12 Transformations – Melvin, Shaunagh, Gary, Fiona, Emmett, Michael, Raymond,...

See transformations that you’ll scarcely believe, and learn about strength gains that shouldn’t be possible…and yet they are! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9YU_C_LeU4 .td-post-template-9 .td-post-featured-video { margin-bottom: 0; }...

How to earn $15,000 in 1 Week with The Amazing 12!

Learn how one A12 coach secured 13 grand in pre-sales alone! 6 weeks BEFORE he even certified! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KylVZ_n7y_g .td-post-template-9 .td-post-featured-video { margin-bottom: 0; } .td-post-featured-image...