The Leap of Faith   A “leap of faith” is how Sue described the Amazing 12 to me this week. To some degree it really is. You are entrusting the coach to transform you. You don’t know precisely what lies ahead....
Princes, Slugs, & Prowlers   Week 3 is complete. The death of popstar Prince left us a little shell-shocked. That led to a conversation about how, as you get older, you become more aware of your mortality and think more about...
The second week of the Amazing 12 at Core Results in Chichester whizzed by. That’s always a promising sign. Nothing felt laboured. Sue hit me with a staggering statement midweek: “Not kidding, Claudius, but two weeks on the Amazing 12 has...
Over this article series A12 coach Claude Abrams will describe the experience of three of his A12 clients as they journey through the World’s best body transformation program - The Amazing 12. In this article Claude introduces us to...
Albert Einstein once said that the definition of “insanity” is repeating the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result’ But what if you do something different and expect the same result? That sort of insanity is common in the world...
  “The Machine nickname was given to me in 2007 by my two mentors Bud Jeffries and Grandmaster Strongman Dennis Rogers.  They came up with the name due to my physical strength and my overall conditioning. At that time in...
Give an inanimate object a scary name and people will conjure up a mystique in their minds surrounding it, guaranteed. Once this objects 'reputation' spreads to epic proportions, pretty soon everyone will be afraid of it. Make a barrier or...
HOW can you remain strong, gain or maintain lean muscle and reach and/or retain a high level of fitness/physical performance on a plant-based diet? Ask that question to Barney DuPlessis, the 2014 Mr Universe, or David Haye, the former world...
Feel like turning your 8 rep max into a 9 or even 10 rep max… TODAY!? Take your 8 Rep Max and from the top of the seventh rep decide that as soon as you start the lifting phase of rep number 8 you are going to grip it like you are trying to leave finger indentations in the bar!
I was born in Nashville, Tennessee in November of 1969.  As a kid, I alternated between chubby and downright fat. To make matters worse I had a horrible stutter. It was so bad that I would get physically ill...